Gewilde plasings

Vrydag 22 Augustus 2014

Cap 3 Jari - Angkatan 9

Guys anak-anak SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara gen 9, yg belom cap tiga jari buat SKHUN mendingan cepetan deh ke Tunas buat cap 3 jari sama Miss. Selfie, Pa Steph, Bu Dwi, Ma'am Nitra, Pa Eko, ato sama Pa Yudhi. Setiap hari Senin s/d Jumat koq jam 07.00 - 14.00. Utk yg jem segitu masih sekolah minta ijin ajalah ama guru/kepsek sekolah masing-masing. Untuk mengambil ijazah akan diberitahukan menyusul. Thx ya guys..... See you next time and God Bless you..... (y)

Vrydag 13 Junie 2014

Kegiatan satu minggu kedepan

Hai guys....
Udah lama nih mimin ga nulis kegiatan di SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara. Sebentar lagi nih anak kls 7 dan 8 akan ngambil rapor dan naik kelas, sedangkan anak kelas 9 akan lulus meninggalkan SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara. Bagi gue, SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara tuh seperti rumah kedua bagi gue. Ga ada kata bosen kalo nginjekin kaki di SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara ini bro sis. Bro sis, di SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara juga ga kalah hebatnya dengan sekolah lain. Selain mengandalkan Knowledge, di sini juga mengandalkan Faith and Education yg sangat berguna banget bagi kita semua bro sis. Makanya gw udh ga ada kata nyesel deh sekolah di SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara.

BTW, bentar lagi nih anak kelas IX angkatan 9 ini udh pada mau keluar tuh. Gue cuman mau nanya sama mereka, apa sih kesan dan pesan untuk SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara? Terus, apakah nanti mereka akan selalu inget sama SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara tempat dimana mereka belajar selama menjadi murid SMP? Setelah kalian lulus nanti, apa yang bakalan kalian terus inget selama kalian belajar di SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara ini?

Memang susah yah untuk melepaskan dari sekolah kita yg tercinta ke sekolah yang baru. Tapi itulah kehidupan. Semuanya harus kita terima dengan baik. Apapun itu. Juga inget nanti kalo kalian udah pada keluar dari SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara ini, berdoa terus ama Tuhan Yesus Kristus karena hanya Dia satu-satunya tumpuan harapan kita.

Oh iya hampir lupa, jangan lupa ya guys (kelas IX angkatan 9) datang ya ke acara perpisahan kalian :
Hari/tanggal : Minggu, 15 Juni 2014
Waktu         : 17.00 s/d 21.00 WIB. (diawali dgn Kebaktian Syukur)
Tempat        : Hotel Santika - Kota Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
Dress Code : Glamour Black and White.
Diharapkan kalian bawa undangan ya supaya bisa masuk ke dlm acara besok.

Juga jangan pada lupa kelas 7,8 dan 9 hari Senin 16 Juni 2014 s/d Jumat 20 Juni 2014 akan diadakan Class Meeting. Jangan lupa pada ga hadir ya. See you guys....

Vrydag 20 September 2013


TAHUN AJARAN : 2013 - 2014.

1. Kelas VII A = Andi Gunarto, S.E
2. Kelas VII B = Ambar Tri Hastuti, A.Md
3. Kelas VII C = MM. Sri Wening Wulandari, S.Pd
4. Kelas VIII A = Stephanus Aris Subagio, A.Md
5. Kelas VIII B = Dwi Octaviana, SP
6. Kelas VIII C = Lucky Mamusung, S.Kom
7. Kelas VIII D = Rebeca Maylana, S.E
8. Kelas IX A = Ratih Sugianti, S.Pd
9. Kelas IX B = Sanitra Riwayani.S, S.Pd
10. Kelas IX C = Galina Astri Yulianti, S.Pd


OSIS SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara.

Pada tgl 17 September 2013, kemarin telah dilantik kepengurusan OSIS thn pelajaran 2013/2014 menggantikan pengurus yang lama tahun ajaran 2012/2013.

Kami semua berharap, semoga kepengurusan sekarang ini dapat berjalan dengan optimal. Kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kerja keras dari pengurus OSIS tahun ajaran 2012/2013 kemarin.


Saterdag 25 Mei 2013

Shallots and Garlic

A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named garlic. They are a happy family. Although garlic dad just ordinary traders, but they live in harmony and peace. But one day ill mother garlic and eventually died. Garlic is grieving so did his father.
In the village lived a widow who also has a son named Bawang Merah. Since mother died Garlic, Shallots mother often visited the house of Garlic. He often brought food, helped clean the house garlic or simply accompany Garlic and her father chatted. Garlic father finally thought that it might be better if he just married the mother Onion, Garlic not so lonely anymore.
In consideration of the garlic, then the father is married to the mother Garlic onion. Originally mother onion and shallots to garlic is very good. But over time they begin to seem true nature. They often scold garlic and give him regular work if dad Garlic're going to trade. Garlic should be doing all the housework, while Onion and his mother just sitting around. Garlic father of course did not know it, because garlic is never told.
One day Garlic father fell ill and later died. Since that time his mother Onion and more powerful and arbitrarily to Garlic. Garlic is almost never rested. He had to get up before dawn to prepare breakfast for the water bath and Onion and his mother. Then he has to feed livestock, watering gardens and washing clothes to the river. And he still had to iron, clean the house, and many other jobs. However Garlic always do his job, because he hopes one day his stepmother would love her like his own child.
This morning as usual Garlic carrying basket of clothes to be washed in the river. With a little singing her down a path at the edge of a small forest usual path. The day was very sunny. Garlic immediately wash all the dirty clothes he was carrying. Because of too much fun, Garlic bahwasalah unaware of the dress has been washed away. Unfortunately the clothes are washed away her stepmother's favorite shirt. When I realized it, his stepmother clothes had been washed away too far. Try the garlic down the river to look for it, but could not find it. In desperation, he returned home and told his mother
.By the time he was admitted to his mother that his drift, very angry stepmother. Stepmother ordered garlic in an outfit that had drifted.
Garlic is forced to the wishes of her stepmother. He immediately wash down the river where he was. Mataharisudah began to rise, but garlic has not found her clothes. She put up her eyes, carefully examined every root panhandle that juts into the river, who knows her clothes stuck there. After stepping away and the sun was already leaning to the west, Garlic saw a shepherd who was bathing buffalo. Garlic then asked if there were clothes that had been washed away. It turns out the shepherd saw clothes that were washed away. Shepherd was suggested that fast - so fast he did not catch too much runoff.
Garlic agreed and immediately ran back down. It was getting dark, Garlic was getting desperate. Soon the night would arrive, and Garlic. From a distance it looks light coming from a shack on the banks of the river. Garlic immediately approached the house and knocked.
Garlic up in a small hut on the edge of the river. Then he knocked it home. In the house there was an old woman named Mariyem. Garlic and then ask about the clothes washed away and he wanted permission to spend the night there. Old grandmother was found drifting and storing clothes and ask their utu Garlic. When asked, garlic admitted that it was her clothes.
Old grandmother wanted to restore it to the Garlic clothes, but the old woman giving that requirement Garlic stayed there for one week. Garlic agreed.
Garlic week-long stay with the grandmother. Garlic each day helps with housework grandmother. Of course the old woman happy. Until finally even been a week, she called the grandmother garlic.
After a week of garlic wanted to leave to go home. But before he left, he was called by the old grandmother. The old lady said that she was very fond of him. In return, he was given a small pumpkin to take home with her.
At home, Garlic handed his stepmother's red dress while she went to the kitchen to split the yellow squash. Surprise, garlic when it split pumpkin, inside turns of gold, jewels, and diamonds very much. She screamed and was so excited to tell this magical stepmother and red onion with direct greedy grab the gold and gems. They forced garlic to tell him how he could get the prize. Garlic also told the truth.
Hearing stories garlic, onion and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the onion will do. In short shallots finally got old grandmother's house on the edge of the river. Such as garlic, onion was asked to accompany him for a week. Unlike an avid garlic, onion during the week just lazing. If anything that is done then the result is never good because it is always done at random. Finally after a week grandmother that allow onions to go. He asked the old grandmother because she had a week there, why he was not rewarded. The grandmother had ordered onion choose one of the two pumpkins on offer. Onion quickly take a large pumpkin and no thank him walked away.
When I got home to see his mom soon onion and pumpkin happily shows it carries. For fear of garlic will ask for parts, they sent garlic to go to the river. Then they impatiently divide the pumpkin. But it was not gold gems that came out of the pumpkin, but venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were immediately attacked the onion and her mother to death. That is the reward of those greedy.

Sondag 21 April 2013


SMP Tunas Harapan Nusantara memiliki  9 kelas dan dari setiap kelasnya memiliki TOP2MEN & GIRL, yaitu :

1. Kelas 7a = Carol, Thomas. Abigael,Bonge
2. Kelas 7b = Samuel Arso, Stievano. Johanna & Lea
3. Kelas 7c = Matheas & Chaberlita
4. Kelas 7d = -
5. Kelas 8a = Aswin, Vincent Febrian. Anastasia Nathania & Christie
6. Kelas 8b = Fernando, Christian. Cindy,Angela
7.Kelas 8c = Joshua, Matius. Thalia,Maggie
8. Kelas 9a = Judea, Varell, Dona, Thalia
9. Kelas 9b = Alvin, Alexander Joshua. Irene,Rosa
Demikian pemenang TOP2MEN&GIRL 2013 di :